Diabetes Care India
Name of Event: Public awareness program on Diabetes
Campaign Title: Diabetes Care India
Location: Ahmedabad
Duration: 4th & 8th November 2009
Foreword & Objective: The Project – Diabetes Care India, A large scale initiative for the community base project carried out to increase awareness of diabetes and its complications in Ahmedabad & Gujarat region.

Goal of Diabetes Care India:
- To increase the awareness in general public about diabetes and its associated complications by reaching at least 1 million people in 1st phase. (2009 to 2015)
- To identify undiagnosed subjects with diabetes and pre-diabetics through screening
- To train General Practitioners in preventive diabetology and spread the awareness message through their patients
- To motivate the community to take up Walking, Exercise & Yoga to look at their beneficial results
- To increase the awareness for complications of diabetes & obesity.
Activities of Diabetes Care India
- Yoga Program- 4-8 November 2009
- A 2-day Public Awareness Program & Exhibition on 7-8th November 2009:
- RSSDI 2009 – Walk for Diabetes – 8th November, 2009
Date: 4th November to 8th November 2009
From 6.00 to 8.00 am at Gujarat University Ground
A 2-day Public Awareness Program & Exhibition
The Exhibition
Date: 7-8 November, 2009
Venue: Gujarat University Ground
Exhibitors' Profile:
- Drugs & Formulations
- Ethical drug manufacturers
- Insulin brands
- Equipment & Instrument
- Glucometers & monitoring instruments
- Insulin administration equipment
- Insulin Pumps
- Exercise equipment
- Diet & Supplements
- Food supplements
- Nutraceuticals
- Sugar-free diets / foods / beverages
- Low-sugar / low-cholesterol foods
- Fibre-rich food products
- Institutional
- Diagnostic Labs
- Hospitals & Clinics
- NGOs
- Government Departments
- Health / Family welfare associations
- Holistic remedies
- Herbal medicines
- Naturopathy
Auditorium Program
Education Program
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Diabetes - Obesity / Prevention
- Diabetes - Kidney
- Diabetes – Cadiac Problems / Heart
- Diabetes - Eyes
- Diabetes - Other Complication
- Diabetes – Sex
Public Educate By Public
- Debate – 10 minutes by School & College Students
- Drawing Competition by School Children
- Message by Diabetes Patient
- Drama - 20 minutes/ Skit – 5 minutes
- Each Program was with Hand out.
Medical Checkup & Guidelines
- Diabetic
- Check UP (Precaution Aspect, General Check Up, Diet Food Court)
- Counseling
- Non Diabetic
- Chances (Risk Score)
- Education
Health Stalls (Food Court)
- Diabetic Related Food/Health Food & Drinks
- 8 November, 2009
- Approx: 3 Kms., Timing: 6.30 AM to 8 AM
- Rout: Around Gujarat University Ground
- Target Audience: Youth, Paramedical, Medical, Diabetes, Non Diabetes, NGO's, Celebrities, School children's and Diabetic patients